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Donna Donahue

From the blog

Key Benefits of Bio-Identical Creams - Avoid Side Effects from Synethics

Key Benefits of Bio-Identical Creams - Avoid Side Effects from Synethics

How Big Pharma Makes Money regardless of the effectiveness of synthetic hormones

How do you know you are in Perimenpause or Menopasue?

How do you know you are in Perimenpause or Menopasue?

Learn about the various testing methods and which one is most effective.

How to avoid the affects of Menopause & Insulin Resistence

How to avoid the affects of Menopause & Insulin Resistence

As women approach menopause, hormonal changes can affect insulin sensitivity. Some women may experience insulin resistance during perimenopause and menopause,...

Key Benefits of Bio-Identical Creams - Avoid Side Effects from Synethics

Key Benefits of Bio-Identical Creams - Avoid Side Effects from Synethics

How Big Pharma Makes Money regardless of the effectiveness of synthetic hormones
How do you know you are in Perimenpause or Menopasue?

How do you know you are in Perimenpause or Menopasue?

Learn about the various testing methods and which one is most effective.
How to avoid the affects of Menopause & Insulin Resistence

How to avoid the affects of Menopause & Insulin Resistence

As women approach menopause, hormonal changes can affect insulin sensitivity. Some women may experience insulin resistance during perimenopause and menopause,...

"Dr, Platt is one of the most knowledgeable, sincere helpful doctors I have ever met. He really cares that you understand his recommendations and how it helps you. His knowledge in hormones is next to few. He has helped me in so many ways from my post hysterectomy symptoms to stress management. His message really needs to be told it can help a lot of people.” Becky Wilson, Verified Customer
“Hello. Please extend this heartfelt thank you to have found relief from fibromyalgia [pain] since I was13 or is the worst moment of PMS menopause symptoms, migraines, panic attacks, and no sleep. I was sobbing for help. [When] I put it on the progesterone, then the estradiol. I immediately had no pain. My mood stabilized. I felt normal. I just want to thank you so much doctor [Dr. Platt]. You are a true blessing. I have always been a sensitive girl. Misunderstood because of my condition. I tried everything under the sun.” Rose, Verified Customer
"Dr, Platt is one of the most knowledgeable, sincere helpful doctors I have ever met. He really cares that you understand his recommendations and how it helps you. His knowledge in hormones is next to few. He has helped me in so many ways from my post hysterectomy symptoms to stress management. His message really needs to be told it can help a lot of people.” Becky Wilson, Verified Customer
“Hello. Please extend this heartfelt thank you to have found relief from fibromyalgia [pain] since I was13 or is the worst moment of PMS menopause symptoms, migraines, panic attacks, and no sleep. I was sobbing for help. [When] I put it on the progesterone, then the estradiol. I immediately had no pain. My mood stabilized. I felt normal. I just want to thank you so much doctor [Dr. Platt]. You are a true blessing. I have always been a sensitive girl. Misunderstood because of my condition. I tried everything under the sun.” Rose, Verified Customer

Listen to Dr. Platt on these podcasts
